Play Therapy
in Portsmouth Newport County RI

Imagine a typical therapy session. You sit in a comfortable chair in a quiet office with comfortable lighting and talk for about 45 minutes. Your therapist listens and might offer suggestions, or skills to work on.
Now imagine a young child in that same therapy office. How effective would that session be?
Your child expresses him or herself, their memories, perceptions, thoughts and emotions through their play!
Play is their language.
Your therapist will use skills during play and art therapy such as observation, reflection, questioning, storytelling and positive reinforcement to help your child develop mastery, social skills, self-confidence and coping skills.
Ask questions!
Email or call your child’s therapist before a session with any concerns, or new information you have about your child that might be helpful for them to know. Also feel free to ask to sign a release of information, and ask to read your child’s electronic health record, or intake and therapy notes. Ask the therapist if you don’t understand something, or if your child is resistant to therapy ask to speak to the therapist. Feel free to ask for a session for yourself, so that you can talk to the therapist privately about your concerns and questions.
Meet with your child’s therapist during the last 5 minutes of each session, and for a longer time every 3rd-4th session to discuss their progress.
Play with your child often, and practice the skills learned in therapy sessions.